NSFAS Appeal Form 2025PDF Download

By | April 8, 2025

NSFAS Appeal Form 2025/2026

Download NSFAS appeal form 2025pdf

The National Student Financial Aid System (NSFAS) is a South African government student financial aid scheme that helps undergraduate students pay for their higher education after they graduate from high school. The Department of Higher Education and Training funds it. The program additionally oversees bursaries, for example, the Funza Lushaka Teacher Bursary (for understudies seeking after a showing capability), DHET Disability Bursary and different bursaries from the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs).

2025NSFAS APPEAL: Application Review


  • Please complete all the details below to enable the processing of your appeal, incomplete appeal forms will not be considered.
  • Appeals will only be considered on valid grounds. The types of appeals are listed below for indication.
  • NSFAS Funding is governed by national policy, therefore appeals for post graduate studies or unfunded programmes cannot be considered.
  • Please write in capital letters and attach all re Levant documentation (e.g. death certificate, medical records, proof of loss of income etc.)
  • Appeals will be considered by the Institutions Financial Aid Committee or designated committee for recommendation to NSFAS.

Download HERE

NSFAS is aware that there are many circumstances that may lead to students not being able to meet academic performance requirements. These may include, but not be limited to, medical conditions, death of an immediate family member, etc. Please submit substantive documents to provide proof of these circumstances.

As a general rule, affidavits are not regarded as sufficient documentation. Where copies of documents are provided, these should be certified.Attach detailed motivation for the appeal with the required supporting documents.

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NSFAS Connect: www.nsfas.org.za and log into your myNSFAS account

Facebook: National Student Financial Aid Scheme​

Twitter page: @myNSFAS

Instagram: @myNSFAS

Email: info@nsfas.org.za


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