How much money can you have in the bank and still get the pension?

By | January 21, 2025

Older Person’s Grant (Old Age Pension)

The maximum value of the Older Person’s Grant is R1,780 per month from April 2019. If you are over the age of 75 you will receive R1,790 per month.

You can apply to this grant if you are 60 years or older. You cannot be a recipient of other grants, and you must not be under the care of a state institution.

In order to qualify for the grant you need to meet the requirements of the means test. If you are single your income cannot be more than R78,120 per year (R6,510 per month) and your assets cannot be worth more than R1,115,400. If you are married your combined income cannot exceed R156,240 (R13,020 per month) and combined assets can be no more than R2,230,800.

More Information on SASSA

Apply for the Unemployment Grant of R350.

Check Unemployment grant status

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See also  Sassa r350 grant Application

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